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What if your Order Really could be Delivered Yesterday?

As a greenhouse manufacturer we always joke that the “customer wants it delivered yesterday”. When I go to manufacturing association meetings I hear the theme repeated by all manufacturers, regardless of whether it is a boiler, an airplane, a toothbrush, or a greenhouse, when customers want their order they want it now, the fact that it took one day between wanting a greenhouse and ordering the greenhouse is immaterial. I suspect greenhouse growers might say the same of their retail and wholesale customers.

Receiving your order before you actually ordered it may soon be a reality, at least for Amazon. According to Connor Simpson at The Wire “Amazon is considering a new phase in its quest for global commerce domination. They're working a plan that would ship products to you before you even purchase them because Amazon knows what you want better than you do.” For Greenhouses you may still have to wait a week - partly because, while I find predictive models using Big Data analytics of things like, how long your mouse hovers over a click box, your history of ordering, and what your neighbor has done this week, interesting, I also find it a little creepy. Thank you Mrs. Wigston, my grade 12 creative writing teacher, for driving home the significance of George Orwell’s 1984.

At GGS our goal is to help growers grow. To do that we need to be able to provide our products and services in a knowledgeable and efficient way. We need to delight our customers and exceed expectations. Reducing delivery times for custom designed greenhouse structures is one of the primary objectives that we measure and track at GGS. By fostering a Continuous Improvement culture we tweak our processes constantly to improve delivery lead times on greenhouse orders.

And we have a lofty goal! We may not be shooting for Amazon timelines, but if we can one day deliver your 5 acre greenhouse range 1 week after you say go, I will be satisfied that we have accomplished something incredible for the benefit of our growers.

If you're looking to start a greenhouse building project with a fast turn-around time, let's get started now!

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