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Facility design considerations for a commercial hemp greenhouse

Hemp is once again being paid its due as an important and incredibly versatile crop thanks to the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. As a result, more growers are seeing the benefit to growing hemp in greenhouses for more control and higher quality yields. While the benefits to growing hemp in a greenhouse are many, they are accompanied by a lot of considerations as well.

Here are a few facility design factors to consider when you are planning your commercial hemp greenhouse:

Site selection

Once you’ve decided and have been approved to build a hemp cultivation facility, a major consideration is where the facility can be built. You first need to determine whether or not the municipal or county government allows legal growing facilities. Other factors include the proximity of the building to parks or schools. Hemp’s close ties to marijuana have made it so that many local governments will not allow facilities or dispensaries near parks, schools, or anywhere children gather. You will need to work closely with your greenhouse manufacturer and the municipality in which you’re planning on building to ensure everything is to code.

When choosing your location, you will also want to ensure you’re in close proximity to a reliable work force depending on how large your operation will be in addition to choosing a spot where you have the option to eventually expand as your business grows.

Choosing your structure

Like many other industrial crops, hemp is typically grown outside but as most people are turning to CBD for medical purposes, the quality of the plants and its flowers has become much more important. Growing in a greenhouse provides the option of using far fewer pesticides, or none at all, which is necessary for products that people will eventually consume. Choosing the most practical and economical greenhouse structure for your hemp cultivation facility that can be expanded upon when necessary is an important consideration.

A Gutter Connected Poly Greenhouse is a versatile option suited for almost any crop, including hemp or marijuana. It can be easily expanded upon when desired and is the most economical greenhouse option for largescale growers. A Coldframe Greenhouse, otherwise known as a hoop house, is another cost effective option for growing hemp or marijuana through the entire year and is an excellent option for novice growers.


If you’re planning on growing hemp in a greenhouse, supplemental lighting is a major consideration. Hemp has historically been grown outdoors, benefitting from long days of natural sunlight through the summer. One of the benefits of growing hemp in a greenhouse is the ability to grow all year with a more controlled environment. Hemp will require long periods of sunlight during its vegetative stage which will require supplemental lighting for overcast days and for shorter days during fall and winter.

Click here to learn more about supplemental lighting in a cannabis greenhouse.

Blackout curtains

Growing hemp for CBD requires periods of total darkness during the flowering stage. When planning your cultivation facility you will need to consider installing light deprivation curtains so that no light can reach the plants during blackout periods. Your plants will typically require 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness which will force the hemp plants to flower. Your blackout curtains can be installed along the trusses of your greenhouse. They should also be installed along side walls, door openings and exhaust fans to prevent any light from entering the greenhouse.


Hemp plants are very prone to mildew and other disease when the area in which they’re grown is not properly ventilated. Ventilation in your commercial greenhouse should be high priority and something you will need to think about before you begin designing your facility. A semi-closed ventilation system is reliable option for growers looking for predictability that will also function well with other greenhouse functions including light deprivation and odor control. Be sure to discuss ventilation options with knowledgeable professionals who can assist you with choosing the best system for your needs.

GGS Structures has been a leading manufacturer of greenhouse and indoor grow facilities for the legal marijuana industry and we have the expertise to help growers interested in cultivating hemp for CBD and other purposes.

Interested in learning more about growing hemp in a commercial greenhouse? Contact the experts at GGS Structures today.

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